Monday, May 18, 2009

Write The Mets

The Mets may actually be listening to the fans. Time will tell. But last week, they sent out a survey via email to select fans, which you can take here, thanks to some fan who posted the link on Twitter. They ask questions mostly about the uniforms. has been on top of that (with a couple of posts actually) and was even talking bad uniforms before the survey came out.

But what's important to see is that the Mets seem to have open ears now, and if you want to voice concerns (and I think there's a few things that need to be voiced), this may be a good time to do so. The last page in the survey is an open form to add whatever other comments you like. They also ask about a name for the bridge in right-center field, so we know there's more than just new marketing uniform ideas on their mind.

Together, we can make a difference.

Send your own letter in one of the following ways:

Snail mail:
New York Mets
Citi Field
Roosevelt Avenue
Flushing, NY 11368-1699

Via email at:
fanfeedback AT (replace AT with @)

Via web form on